Spring 2020

Dyson Fights Back
The coronavirus pandemic came on fast, and the Dyson community has responded.

Remoting In
Dyson students and faculty are finding ways to stay connected and engaged in teaching and learning—from a distance.
Dean's Message
We are living through a unique and complicated time, where even the experts are not able to give us definitive answers about the novel coronavirus virus (COVID-19) and its implications for our lives. It is very unsettling for all of us as we adjust to this new world, especially when the “rules” change every day, sometimes every hour.
Dean's Message
We are living through a unique and complicated time, where even the experts are not able to give us definitive answers about the novel coronavirus virus (COVID-19) and its implications for our lives. It is very unsettling for all of us as we adjust to this new world, especially when the “rules” change every day, sometimes every hour.
Dean's Message
We are living through a unique and complicated time, where even the experts are not able to give us definitive answers about the novel coronavirus virus (COVID-19) and its implications for our lives. It is very unsettling for all of us as we adjust to this new world, especially when the “rules” change every day, sometimes every hour.
Dyson Notes
Dyson Notes
Michael James Boyle ’13, MS in Molecular and Cellular Biology, currently a PhD student at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, recently authored “Organoid single-cell genomic atlas uncovers human-specific features of brain development” with other researchers. The article appears in the journal Nature.
As reported by Deadline: Jesse James Keitel ’15 (Fluidity) is set as a lead in ABC’s The Big Sky, a drama created and executive produced by David E. Kelley, and based on The Highway, the first book in C.J. Box’s Cassie Dewell novel series.
Ralph M. Crystal ’70, Psychology, was selected by the National Council on Rehabilitation Education for the 2020 Distinguished Career in Rehabilitation Education Award.
Associate Professor of Criminal Justice and Security Kimberly Collica-Cox published her article, “Prisoner Parenting: Parenting from a Federal Jail,” in the Journal of Correctional Healthcare, and contributed to the column “ Innovations in Teaching” in Sage Publications: A Criminal Justice Newsletter and the Routledge Studies in Crime and Society book series (first edition) of “Mothering and Desistance in Reentry.”
Robin DeMerell Provey ’97, Liberal Studies, is a lecturer at Western Connecticut State University and Naugatuck Community College, in Danbury, Connecticut and author of “The Seeds of #MeToo Planted under the Orange Tree in Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath,” published in the spring 2020 issue of The Steinbeck Review.