Dean’s Message: Winter 2024

woman in front of fountain

The Dyson experience is a remarkable one, and it would not be possible without our outstanding faculty. Dyson faculty members are leaders in their fields, advocates in their communities, and mentors in and out of their classrooms. I am immensely proud of their dedication not only to their scholarly pursuits, but most importantly to our students’ growth academically, personally, and professionally.

This issue includes just a few examples of the many incredible ways Dyson faculty create a dynamic and fulfilling learning environment for our students.

Professor of Political Science Matthew Bolton, PhD, and Associate Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies Emily Welty, PhD, are at the forefront of nuclear disarmament advocacy locally and globally. Through their professional networks and the creation of the Disarmament Institute, Bolton and Welty have mentored students in activism and connected students to internships and singular opportunities, such as speaking at the United Nations.

Faculty members in the humanities, meanwhile, have embraced experiential learning in disciplines not often associated with “hands-on” learning. History students are connecting with neighbors in downtown Manhattan, English students are creating interactive maps to study 19th century literature, and writing students are using somatic strategies to connect physical feelings to their own personal narratives—just to name a few.

Faculty-student mentorships are a cornerstone of the Dyson experience, and Associate Professor of Mathematics Emilio Fernández, PhD, and Lulu Moquete ’24, Mathematics, are a glowing example of the impact these connections can have. In addition to sharing a love for math, Fernández and Moquete both moved to the United States from the Dominican Republic. Fernández’s goal in mentoring Moquete in a research project was to encourage her to step out of her comfort zone academically while studying a topic that would allow her to explore the cultural challenges of being a Dominican student in America.

I feel incredibly fortunate to witness how our faculty members’ unique perspectives, expertise, and experiences weave a rich tapestry from which our students can learn, grow, and succeed. 

If you have news you wish to share with the Dyson Community, please contact Angela Nally ’99, ‘06, assistant dean for communications, at

Tresmaine R. Grimes, PhD
Dean, Dyson College of Arts and Sciences and School of Education
Interim Dean, Sands College of Performing Arts